Let Food Be Your Medicine


Food Body Mind

The evidence is overwhelming! Research is linking what you eat to playing a part in every aspect of your health. Linking poor nutrition to type2 diabetes, heart health, skin and respiratory issues, cancer and much more.

Below are just some of the issues that could benefit from a Nutritional Therapy consultation

  • Digestive Disorders

  • Bloating, Heartburn

  • Food Allergies and Intolerances

  • Coeliac Disease

  • Diabetes

  • Joint and Muscle Pain - arthritis -Osteoporosis - fibromyalgia

  • Chronic Stress, fatigue and insomnia

  • Skin Disorders

  • Weight Loss

  • Heart Health

  • Menopause - PMS - PolycysticOvarySyndrome(PCOS) Endometriosis

  • Respiratory Disorders - Asthma, Sinusitis, Persistent Runny Nose

  • Recurring thrush, cystitis

As a Nutritional Therapist I spend quite a bit of time looking into my clients diet, lifestyle, stress, digestion, checking for food intolerances, poor immunity, hormonal imbalances and medical history.

The aim is to identify how these areas can be contributing to presenting symptoms and ill health. I then design a dietary and supplement protocol to suit the individual, using foods and nutrients to help the client achieve optimal health and energy levels.

If necessary I may also recommend diagnostic tests to determine levels of nutrients, hormones or possible food allergies and intolerances.